Michael Leykin: Initial Project Pitch

Name: Michael Leykin

Idea#1: Defense

The 3-factor Bluetooth authentication bracelet!


Purpose: Add additional layers of security to any physical device.

Project is meant to be a pragmatic solution for companies with large number of workstations.

How It Would Work: After application is installed on machine, the Bluetooth bracelet would calibrate to identify you, then from then on, you would have to have the bracelet on when logging into your machine.

Confident Skills: Programming, security knowledge.

Not Confident Skills: Product design, hardware design, electrical engineering and bio metric sensors.

Idea#2: Offense

Penetration of

Endpoints and





Purpose: To perform a vulnerability assessment on a physical location/organization.

This project is not pragmatic at all, the only legitimate use for such a project would be for malicious purposes, so this is mainly experimental and playful.

Again, the only people I could see using this would be a malicious actor or a very dedicated security team.

How it would work: The wearer of this jacket could use a multitude of the pen testing tools present in this jacket to gain a variety of information to send back to your home machine (password hashes, metadata from workstations…etc).

Confident Skills: Programming, Pen testing tool knowledge.

Non-confident Skills: Component integration into a garment, sewing.