Final Project Post: ROETE

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter Electronic

Natalie Tack

One sentence that describes my project: A device that transmits location via radio when activated by the user in an emergency.

Image of Poster:


What the project does and how it works:

My project is a Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter. It transmits a radio message that has a generic call for help with specific GPS coordinates when the user sends the transmission. The user sends the transmission by pressing the patch 3 times, then the device vibrates twice, then the device waits 1 minute (30 seconds for demo purposes), then vibrates once more, then sends the radio transmission. This radio transmission then repeats once per minute .

When the user presses the button three times, the vibrator is activated for 2 pulses and the GPS module is activated, then if there is no user input in the 1 minute time period, the radio module is activated and the generic message for help and specific GPS coordinates are sent (specifically over the 89.00 FM frequency).

Overall thoughts:

Overall, I am pleased with my project, I have always been interested in radio, so this project was really interesting for me to work on. The only thing I am really disappointed in is that I was not able to broadcast the radio waves very far (mostly because I was afraid of breaking some laws regarding how far one can transmit for recreational purposes) and also that I relied heavily on the radio module to transmit the messages.

Comparison to Original Project Description:

After establishing the original description for this project I would say that this project does what I initially sought out to do, when activated, a distress signal containing GPS coordinates is transmitted over the radio. However, this device is not practical if the distance between the radio transmitter and the receiver has to be close. I think the original goal was to have the radio transmitter and receiver far away from one another, so I guess in this respect my goal was not met (primarily due to the reason stated above).

Latest Hurdles:

The biggest challenge I encountered towards the end of the project was getting all of my connections to stay connected. I found that the single core wire I used (kinda as a last resort) worked the best for not pulling out of the soldering. In the video above it is the white wire with the red stripe on the side, I ended up replacing the most challenging connections (which were 3-4 connections as shown in the video).

If I had more time:

There is actually quite a lot I would do if I had more time, the first being replacing all of the connections with single core wire connections. The second being instead of pushing a button, having a slide on the front of the patch that pushes the battery into the device (this would help the battery to only be used when needed – not powering the circuit playground all the time). The second change I would do is to fix the issue of the soft button being very sensitive (pressing when it is not supposed to). The third thing I would do is to find a way to say the emergency message more clearly over the radio. The fourth thing I would do is figure out how to transmit the radio waves farther without infringing on the law (this is actually the fix I would focus the most on, because it’s an operational fix, the others are mostly design fixes).

Final Material List:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $6.95
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  4. Patch
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  5. Transistor
    1. Price: $0.30
    2. Quantity: 1

Project Post #7: ROETE

Project Post #7: ROETE

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter Electronic

Natalie Tack

One sentence that describes my project: A device that transmits location via radio when activated by the user in an emergency.

Weekly Accomplishments:

I soldered all of the electronic components together, including the circuit playground express. I then hand-sewed (my sewing machine was broken) my little pocket together and sewed the components to the pocket. I also sewed the button to the front of the pocket and connected the conductive thread to the gnd and A3 pins on the circuit playground express.


Material List:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $6.95
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  4. Patch
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  5. Transistor
    1. Price: $0.30
    2. Quantity: 1

Areas of Concern:

I do not have any concerns for this past week. My primary focus for this next week will be getting the little pocket and patch installed onto the jacket. The pocket being inside the jacket’s front chest pocket and the patch being sewed onto the front outside the jacket’s front chest pocket.

Project Post #6: ROETE

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter Electronic

Natalie Tack

One sentence that describes my project: A device that transmits location via radio when activated in an emergency.

Weekly Accomplishments:

I figured out how to parse the GPS coordinates, I hit a snag with the remove method in Arduino, if you use remove(0) I thought it would remove the first character at index 0 in a string. I was wrong, it removes everything in a string from the zero index onward. So I fixed that problem.

I also programmed the device to wait for 3 button clicks, then buzz twice, then wait 30 seconds (less than a minute for demo purposes), then if no user input, the broadcast starts after the 30 seconds.

I also got the patch this week and found a jacket with an inside pocket that might work better for putting the radio transmitter in.

Earlier in the week I had problems with the radio connections again, as the radio wasn’t being registered as connected to the Circuit Playground Express. Hopefully this next week I can solder the connections and they’ll work all the time.

Image (not new, but showing the connections I’m having problems with):

Image (patches):

Material List:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $6.95
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  4. Patch
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  5. Transistor
    1. Price: $0.30
    2. Quantity: 1

Areas of Concern:

This week I’m going to integrate all of the technology with the visual aspect. Sewing the button together and  putting all the electronics into some sort of container so that everything fits together.

I think that I’ll need some help this week just figuring out how to organize everything together so that it is easy to disconnect from the jacket to take out.

Also, the patch is non-traditional, so there is no satin edging. I might need help with how to make the edges of the patch look neater (in the image 2 of the patches are cut close to the edge, the other patch is still connected to a larger piece of fabric).

Project Post #5: ROETE

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter Electronic

Natalie Tack

Weekly Accomplishments:

This week I got the GPS working, the vibrator working (with Kevin’s help), and ordered the patch from the embroidery shop (thank you Marianne for the fabric!).

I also soldered all the connections for each respective module. The only thing that is not yet soldered is all the connections to the Circuit Playground Express. I want to get all the modules working together on the Circuit Playground Express before soldering those connections.


Material List:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $6.95
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  4. Patch
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  5. Transistor
    1. Price: $0.30
    2. Quantity: 1

Areas of Concern:

I do not currently have any areas of concern for this week, I just want to get all the modules working together, so when the button is pressed three times, it should start the radio, then vibrate 3 times, then say the message on the radio, with the GPS coordinates.

I plan to get all the modules working together this week and then solder them together when they do.

Project Post #4: ROETE

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter Electronic (ROETE)

Natalie Tack


Weekly Accomplishments:

I soldered the inputs on the radio module. Kevin suggested that this may help the connection, as the audio was only playing out the speaker and not over the radio. This did help a lot, so thank you Kevin! The audio now comes out both the speakers and over the radio. This really is not a big concern that it comes out of two places, at the end of this project, if I have time I figure out how to disable the speaker.

I also got in contact with a company located in Sun Prairie who say that I can bring in my patch design and they can make it for me for $10. They just say it is not going to be a traditional patch and I have to bring in my own piece of fabric. I might have some questions about this.

Material List:

    1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter (already purchased and in use)
      1. Price: $20
      2. Quantity: 1
      3. Link:
    2. GPS Module
      1. Price: $40
      2. Quantity: 1
      3. Link:
    3. Vibration Module
      1. Price: $2
      2. Quantity: 1
      3. Link:
    1. Patch
      1. Price: $10
      2. Quantity: 1
      3. Link:


  1. Concerns:

    Mentioned above, I just have one question. What type of fabric should I bring in to get the patch sewn on (at the Sun Prairie company)? I also don’t know how long it will take for them to sew the patch, so I should get my design to them as soon as possible.

Project Post #3: Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter (ROET)

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter (ROET)

Natalie Tack

Weekly Accomplishments:

I worked out a regular expression to get the location data from the GPS module, I also figured out how to output audio from the circuit playground express (CPE) to the radio, without an AUX cord. I had a setback this week, with the Arduino IDE not working for me. I wasn’t sure this was the issue at first, so I troubleshooted it and in the end had to uninstall the IDE and reinstall it.

By the end of this next week I plan to have the CPE output audio correctly to the radio, and correctly output the audio for GPS coordinates.


The below image is of the modules I received this week to complete my project (except the vibration module).

Material List:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter (already purchased and in use)
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $2
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:

Areas of Concern:

My only concern currently is that all the connections I make to/from the CPE function correctly. Another struggle I had this weekend was making sure my connections were completed, it took a lot of trial and error with the wires to make sure everything was connected.

When I eventually solder the wires to the modules I’ll have to make sure that the connections work perfectly before soldering everything.

Project Post #2: Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter

Natalie Tack

Weekly Accomplishments: I found a radio to transmit audio from. It is hooked up to a Circuit Playground Express and can broadcast to any FM frequency. Currently, I have it able to transmit songs from my phone from a button press on the Circuit Playground Express.

Image: Temporarily secured on my warmup project

Changes in Approach: I have not made any yet, my main focus this past week was getting the radio to transmit audio.

Plan for this next week: To have the radio transmit audio that is stored on the Circuit Playground Express. Also, to have that audio only transmit after 3 button presses.

Material list:

  1. FM Stereo Radio Transmitter (already purchased and in use)
    1. Price: $20
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  2. GPS Module
    1. Price: $40
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:
  3. Vibration Module
    1. Price: $2
    2. Quantity: 1
    3. Link:


Project Post #1: Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter

Radio Outdoor Emergency Transmitter

Natalie Tack

A device that transmits a prerecorded message that requests assistance at specific GPS coordinates. This happens when a user presses a button 3 times (3 times to limit the amount of accidental transmissions). The device will then respond with 2 vibrations. The device will then listen for 1 minute, if there is no more user input, the device will send the pre-recorded message. If there is user input, the transmission will be sent. The transmission will be relayed multiple times either over different frequencies or over the same frequency.

This device is for people who enjoy to spend time outdoors without necessarily carrying a phone. This device is designed to work without a phone so that if a phone breaks or is unable to send a call if an accident happens, this device can still transmit a signal over radio waves.

This product is different from existing products because most other emergency alert devices are connected to a phone or wifi. This device will be primarily for use outdoors and works exclusively with radio waves.

Something out there that is similar to what I am trying to design is an Emergency Position Indicator Radio Beacon, which is what boats use when they need help. Once someone has pushed the button, it transmits a signal on a designated radio frequency that relays the boat’s information and coordinates to the Coast Guard, it also relays all this information to an emergency contact if that is provided.

This is similar to my project, there is also a similar mechanism out there for airplanes, however, there is no designated frequency or product out there for outdoor emergencies on land in the US.


  • Microcontroller (if needed, some radio transceivers have it)
  • GPS module
  • Adafruit Feather 32u4 with RFM69HCW Packet Radio – 433MHz – RadioFruit
  • Vibration Motor
  • SD card (not sure if needed, media file might be small enough)
  • Fabric to make soft button
  • Wire to connect via soldering


  • More knowledge of radio transmission (radio licenses and such)
  • How to connect microcontroller and radio transmitter to send mp3 or wav files
  • A little bit of soldering (have done before)
  • Sewing (have done before)

A Timeline:

Before March 25: 1st: radio transmitter relays message (from file)

2nd: radio transmitter can relay message with GPS coordinates

3rd: two vibrations happen before relaying message

Before April 8:      1st: vibration happens after 3 soft button presses

2nd: after 3 button presses, two vibrations occur, one minute passes,  radio transmission is sent.

Before April 22:     1st: if user presses button during one minute of listening, no message is sent

Finally: work out any last kinks

Fallback Plan: if radio signal does not transmit, will use Bluetooth to send message to emergency contacts instead

Minimal Outcome that is Success: message is sent on user input (whether that be Bluetooth, Wifi, or radio) and message does not send with user input during listening state of device.

Initial Project Pitch

Natalie Tack



This project is designed to solve the problem of people not knowing when they are overheating or experiencing hypothermia. This product is specifically designed to be worn under a large winter coat and is specifically for people who enjoy spending time outdoors in the winter months (athletes, enthusiasts, etc.).

The high-level idea of this product is that the temperature sensor monitors the body’s temperature within the coat. It is Bluetooth connected to a person’s phone and sends updates to it when there are big degree changes. For example, hypothermia can set in when the body’s temperature is 95 degrees or below, and overheating occurs when the body’s temperature is 104 degrees or higher. However, I am not sure if the temperature inside a coat will be the same as internal body temperature. However, either way, if the person’s body temperature is nearing one of these extremes, it would notify the user so that they can do something to combat either of these two conditions from occurring.

This design is meant to be pragmatic and preventative, it is easier to stop hypothermia/overheating from happening than to fix them when they do happen.


I am confident in getting the circuit constructed and the Bluetooth connected with a phone.

Less Confident

I am not confident in designing something that is comfortable. I am also not confident in sending the Bluetooth information to any app other than the default application that comes with the Flora Bluefruit LE Module.

A note: In thinking further about this product, this product may also be useful for mountain climbers, and in that regard, it may be useful to have a SPI barometric pressure/altitude sensor as well (Adafruit also makes these). These sensors in combination could help prevent a number of conditions from setting in.