Flow – Project Post 7

Project title: Flow

Team: Julia Kosier & Yiting Liu



  • Added code to integrate color sensor readings with current code
  • Debugged unstable color sensor code & rewrote sound sensor code for more visible results


  • Printed the 3d printing model
  • Finished sewing the sleeve and its extra part to attach the color sensor on
  • Glued the optic fibers to the skeleton of the wings
  • Worked on the stabilizing structure of the wings
  • Finished designing for the poster




  • material list copy your material list from last week. If you have added any new items, include them and highlight them in red. If you have removed items from last week, include them with an orange background.
Part/Material Price Quantity Link to a purchase location
1 Side Glow Fiber Optic Cable 1.5mm~8mm Optical Fiber For Lighting Decorations

[1.5mm for 15 meters]

$15.99 w/o tax 1 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Side-Glow-Fiber-Optic-Cable-1-5mm-8mm-Optical-Fiber-For-Lighting-Decorations/253189403496?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=552285229283&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
2 Color sensor $7.95 1 https://www.adafruit.com/product/1334
3 16 gauge floral wire $11.99 1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T831TFA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
4 Fabrics $3.99/yd

Including shipping total is $14.18

2 yards https://www.fabricwholesaledirect.com/products/sheer-voile-fire-retardant-fabric?gclid=Cj0KCQiAk-7jBRD9ARIsAEy8mh7xxCRl9hFRSNDtoD39ELNlrFHEVmJTnGmABucK8v3UQuPzZhtuZJoaAgeFEALw_wcB&fbclid=IwAR34tdd2dbImfbFrF7y8HEeAAJFUZJpFmekLj1aYBwW7GRi0Cw8Gx2MD5G4
5 Cellophane $15.99 1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GR4NCC9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
6 Heat spray $5.77 1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PCWRMC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
7 Elastic $.60/foot 10 feet https://www.strapworks.com/Elastic_p/e.htm


  • areas of concern now you have gotten started on your project, write a paragraph to articulate the areas in which you are most concerned about for your project.  Highlight areas where you are looking from help.

Areas of concern:

  • We need better support system for the wings to make it stabilized [Maybe we could also use more elastic strap to stabilize the wings]
  • We also need to start working on the back circuit design right away

Project Pitch – Vedant

Project Description:

For the final class project, I would like to make smart gloves that helps the user send remote signals using hand gestures as commands. While these gloves could have many functions, I would like to focus on using these gloves as part of a smart home, including functions like controlling the TV, smart lights, as well as a Google Home/Alexa (through a speaker). This could especially be useful for people with disabilities, or even just a very lazy person.

While there are many similar kinds of gloves that exist as projects, a lot of those gloves do not make use of the wide variety of sensors available in the market. Additionally, some of the projects seemed to be made inefficiently in that they seemed to be pretty bulky for how much they can do. I want to explore how those existing gloves could be improved in not just functionality but also aesthetics. Thus, I would work on this project not as an invention, but rather a demonstration/experiment.

The functionality of the glove would include things like a force sensitive/capacitive touch option where a user could clap to turn on/off lights, as well as gesture-controlled commands that can control TV functions.










Sensors: flex sensor, gyroscope, capacitive touch/force sensors

Infrared LED emitter/receiver

Microcontroller- adafruit flora, particle photon, arduino

Possible 3d printed housings/case for the electronics



While I have some experience with programming, this project would require a lot of microcontroller programming, so that would be the main thing I would have to master. The project would also require some knowledge of IoT so I would be looking more into that as well.

Additionally, I have experience using tools in the makerspace (3d printing, laser cutting), so if I have time to focus on the aesthetics, I could use those skills to help me improve the looks. However, it is a given that I will also have to learn soldering well to compact my design, as well as sewing to make the glove look nice.



March 16: The sensor inputs can be used to output various signals to the devices

April 4: The sensors are integrated into a glove

April 20: The glove is a lot sleeker than the first prototype, and improvement in error reduction

Project Pitch – Junda Chen

Musical Jacket


Musical Jacket that allows musician to freely play and record music is an attractive idea for me. For now I envision a realistic implementation that support the record, play and output of the music by MIDI keyboard-like structure attached on the front of the jacket.

I am open to idea that related to other idea under category “aesthetic, conceptual, data driven/AI, musical”. I think the musical jacket, though not a brand new idea, is quite useful and straight forward to implement (at least as it seems to be right now). I would therefore love to connect to other ideas that could make the jacket more pragmatic and aesthetic.

Slides for introduction

My idea for a wearable tech project is a mobile game with a wearable component and plushies. The intent of this project is to create a game with wearable tech with dirt-cheap wearable tech components that can be given away practically for free.

The main summary of the game is that users find and collect animals in their game by going to locations with the plushies and scanning their pendants against the plushie’s body to unlock that animal in their game.

This idea can be broken down into 3 components, each of which is considered a milestone:

  1. The Mobile App
    1. The game itself will be free-to-download and will not require any wearable tech (although, most of the fun comes in owning the subsequent wearable tech products). The game features the user having a collection of pets which they send on missions throughout the day. Each mission lasts a few hours, the player receives updates on what their pet is doing (“playing in a puddle, swinging across a rickity bridge, etc.), and once the pet completes their mission they earn some experience points and some small in-game reward (an apple, a trinket, etc.).
  2. The Animal Pendants
    1. Animal Pendants are wearable components of the game. Each pendant holds within it an RFID/NFC tag which contains a unique scannable number associated with its owner. The pendant is used to collect more animals. Because the hardware within the pendant is cheap ($1-2), small (around 1cm), and flexible, pendants can resemble anything ranging from necklaces to earrings to clip-on gadgets. Animal pendants are mainly stylized based on the animal designs and symbols created for the game.
  3. The Animal Plushies
    1. The animal plushies are stuffed animals that resemble animals that can be found in the game. Each of these animals has a RaspberryPI 0 W, an RFID/NFC reader/writer, and a battery within it. When a player scans their pendant against a plushie, they receive that animal in their game and can use that animal for adventuring in the gameplay. Each animal plushie costs around $15 in hardware (excluding cost of fabric/stuffing), and the intent is to market these towards small businesses, museums, libraries and other areas to draw in crowds.

Below are some mockups for the game’s UI and some ideas for the plushie designs. The two plushie ideas that people seemed to really like were a Sheep and an Otter, although close runner-ups were a Corgi and “A Loaf Of Cat”

I feel fairly confident in building the mobile app, and feel as though the hardware components will be rather easy to setup once I have one working model.

I feel like I could use some improvement in setting up the networking aspect of this, as well as the plushie designs.


Lydia Schweitzer




interesting link

another interesting link


NIRS or EEG based hat that gathers brain responses and changes color/produces visualization

Different way of communicating.

People can see elements of emotional/mental state.

For creative, poetic, experimental output, research purposes.

Future research- collect data over time for mental health field.



  • Art experience
  • Some visualization experience
  • Music experience
  • Research on emotion/visualization material within health and psychology field

Not so Confident

  • Hardware, software
  • Data analysis


Lydia Schweitzer



interesting link


Gloves/conducting stick that sense(s) sounds and movement, connecting with a screen to generate visualization.

Creates the ability to provide a visual component in response to the environment, accounting for human interpretation and creativity.

Could be used at concerts, performances, conducting an orchestra, DJing.

For creative, poetic, experimental output.



  • Art experience
  • Some visualization experience
  • Music experience

Not so Confident

  • Hardware
  • Data analysis