Project Title: Vis Hat
Project Team: Lydia, Fu, Jay
Weekly Accomplishments:
- Found example/reference code for data visualization
- Researched and learned more programming language syntax for d3.js visualization software (Javascript, HTML, CSS)
- Researched setting up live data visualization
- Planned and designed wiring setup for final prototype
- 3d modeled final prototype for headset with integrated wiring setup
- Attempted 3d printed final prototype in elastic material (design construction not compatible with elastic or flexible material)
- 3d printed backup model in PLA hard plastic (will still work better than first prototype because of more specific measurements and wire structuring)
- Design and finalize circuit setup.
- Soldering circuit on proto board and check its functionality.
- Setting prototype and test it.
- Wrote code for emitter cycles
- Looking into D3 data visualization
- Poster design and some of the text
- (Image 1) The following image shows the design and position on how emitters, resistors, transistors, and photodiodes are positioned.
- (Image 2) The image below shows the actual circuit built on proto board, which looks less bulky than using breadboard. Also, we reduced some redundant pins and integrated them together. This circuit is our final version.
- (Image 3 & 4) These images are of the updated prototype model with added specified dimensions, wire structuring, and cover.
Material List:
title/link | # needed | price/unit | notes | shipping and tax | TOTAL PRICE: |
arduino due | 1 | 34.43 | 34.43 | ||
NPN transistor | 1 | 5.99 | this one unit contains ~200 resistors | 5.99 | |
730nm emitter | 2 | 8.61 | 9.54 | 26.76 | |
850nm emitter | 2 | 1.46 | 2.92 | ||
850 max nir detector/sensor | 2 | 5.37 | 9.02 | 19.76 | |
bluetooth | 1 | 28.95 | RN41XVC (with chip antenna) | 8.81 | 37.76 |
850nm emitter | 2 | 1.46 | To account for trial and error hardware testing | 7.99 | 9.45 |
9 volt battery power supply adapter | 1 | 5.99 | 5.99 | ||
3d print in elastic material | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Project Concerns:
This week with the new prototype printed and all the hardware reconfigured in smaller more condensed setup, we are ready to construct the final complete Viz Hat. Here are some concerns for the week:
- Obtaining data that’ll work. We need to do several tests this week to make sure the data we’re gathering can be used consistently for the visualization.
- Getting the visualization ready. We’ve found some already existing code we’d like to implement with the parameters of our data, but we need to work on initializing it in live time and getting the data to transfer from the Arduino serial port to D3.js’s software.
Other than these two concerns, the remaining steps we need to take should be pretty straightforward. These include finishing the headset assembly, which is all planned out and configuring the demo. Our plan for the demo is to (1) have the Viz Hat set up on the head manakin, (2) display and explain the concept and process with our poster, (3) have a laptop/screen with a looping video of the Viz Hat working (gathering data and producing a visualization in the background). This 3rd component alleviates the potential for any technological difficulties that could arise with a live demo.