Warmup Project Video Post

Cloud Soft Pillow Functions (in order within video):

1) This left/lower capacitive touch button activates a temperature sensor. The sensor then displays a single light around the adafruit with position and color corresponding to the temperature value in increments of 10 degrees F

2) The upper left capacitive touch button resets the device, turning off all lights and playing an A 440 pitch

3) The lower right capacitive touch button activates a sound volume sensor which displays a series of lights corresponding to the volume level at the time the button was pressed

4) When button A is pressed, a different version of volume sensing takes place — this time visualizing the volume level continuously in live time and displaying lights in response

Warmup Project: Pot of Flowers

Input #1: Soft switch button

leads to…

Output #1: Turning LED light on/off

Input #2: Shaking the pillow

leads to…

Output #2: The circuit playground playing a short tune

Warmup Project – IR Remote Control Pillow

This is the TV/Audio Receiver Remote Control. Once you flip the switch, you can touch any of the capacitive touch buttons and control different functions on the TV/Audio Receiver. Functions include: TV On/Off, Volume Up/Down, Mute, Switch to Bluetooth input, and Switch to Aux input.

Warm Up Project Video – Curt Henrichs

CS518 warmup project where I made a soft gamepad which uses capacitive touch for 7 buttons and accelerometer shake for an eighth button.

Inspiration taken from Adafruit’s tutorial: https://learn.adafruit.com/plush-game-controller/overview

For this project I gave Makecode a try (which is a departure from my typical approach of using Arduino C/C++ for embedded systems). While it was easy to develop the software, I did feel a lack of structure that is allowed in a more traditional programming language. One benefit of using Makecode is that it does support a Gamepad HID whereas I could not find support for that in Arduino when using the Circuit Playground Express.

Code Link: https://makecode.com/_hhjbARFsTVKp
(Could not get code to show up in post)