This ‘remote’ pillow interacts with my TV that still uses IR. It can power it on and off, and also change the channel.
Michael Leykin: Warm up Project Video Post
This Moon/Sun pillow simply lights as a moon (half of it lights) in the dark and a sun (all lights in the light). In addition to this it lights up whatever half its leaning towards while making noises.
Warmup Project Video Post
Cloud Soft Pillow Functions (in order within video):
1) This left/lower capacitive touch button activates a temperature sensor. The sensor then displays a single light around the adafruit with position and color corresponding to the temperature value in increments of 10 degrees F
2) The upper left capacitive touch button resets the device, turning off all lights and playing an A 440 pitch
3) The lower right capacitive touch button activates a sound volume sensor which displays a series of lights corresponding to the volume level at the time the button was pressed
4) When button A is pressed, a different version of volume sensing takes place — this time visualizing the volume level continuously in live time and displaying lights in response
Warmup Project: Pot of Flowers
Input #1: Soft switch button
leads to…
Output #1: Turning LED light on/off
Input #2: Shaking the pillow
leads to…
Output #2: The circuit playground playing a short tune
Warmup Project – IR Remote Control Pillow
This is the TV/Audio Receiver Remote Control. Once you flip the switch, you can touch any of the capacitive touch buttons and control different functions on the TV/Audio Receiver. Functions include: TV On/Off, Volume Up/Down, Mute, Switch to Bluetooth input, and Switch to Aux input.
Pillow Piano
I created a pillow piano where you can play seven keys from C to B and compose as you go. Also, when you make the pillow face up, there will be rainbow lights showing up whereas when you make the pillow face down, there will be lightning lights showing up. You can check the video below:
My MakerCode Simulator is as below:
Warm Up Project Video – Curt Henrichs
CS518 warmup project where I made a soft gamepad which uses capacitive touch for 7 buttons and accelerometer shake for an eighth button.
Inspiration taken from Adafruit’s tutorial:
For this project I gave Makecode a try (which is a departure from my typical approach of using Arduino C/C++ for embedded systems). While it was easy to develop the software, I did feel a lack of structure that is allowed in a more traditional programming language. One benefit of using Makecode is that it does support a Gamepad HID whereas I could not find support for that in Arduino when using the Circuit Playground Express.
Code Link:
(Could not get code to show up in post)